A Selection


Project: Legislative Election Argentina
Location: Hamburg, Consulate General of Argentina
Job: International Electoral Assistant 


Project: “Tag ohne Grenzen” (= Day without Barriers) – public event over 2 days for handicapped athletes
Location: Hamburg, town hall square
Job: Looking after presenter (program) 
Client: BUK (Professional association emergency hospital Hamburg), DRS (German wheelchair sport association), DGUV (German statutory accident insurance)


Project: Konspirative KüchenKonzerte (filming a tv show)
Location: Hamburg
Job: Artist Relation
Client: Hirn und Wanst


Project: IV. Kaltstart Theater Festival
Location: Hamburg
Job: Artist Relation 
Client: Der Kaltstart


Project: IAATO Membership (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators)
Location: Antarctica
Job: IAATO Observer, for the certification of MS Hanse Explorer as future IAATO member 
(Associate B1 Members are required to carry an IAATO-approved Observer on one trip during the first Antarctic season)
Client: International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators
End client: Oceanstar


Project: Wassertage (“Water Days”), for Fundraising
Location: Hamburg
Job: Production: Wassergala Schmidt Theater (Stage Manager, Artist Relation), Football match Kaiser Chiefs vs. Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli Allstars, / and more, approx. 40 different events program
Client: Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli


Project: FIFA Confederations Cup 
Location: Frankfurt, Stadium and Hotel Maritim
Job: Volunteer for the 2 weeks of the games, dept. Protocoll at the Frankfurt venue, taking care of VIPs at the stadion, as well as in the FIFA headquarter 
Client: OK FIFA WM2006


Project: “Red Hot & Dance” (AIDS benefit event)
Location: Hamburg – CCH
Job: Artist Relation of 9 musical acts, Stage Director show program, Team Leader artist bodies 
Client: m&p productions
End client: Big Spender



Pro Bono